演讲人:Donald Kossmann,微软雷德蒙研究院首席研究员
Abstract: This talk presents the design of a novel distributed database system that was designed to give query response time guarantees, independent of the query and update workload. The system makes use of aggressive sharing of operations (e.g., scans and joins) between concurrent queries and updates. Specifically, this talk gives details of the storage manager (called Crescando) and of the query
processor (called SharedDB), both of which can be deployed in a distributed and scalable infrastructure. Furthermore, the talk presents the results of performance experiments with workloads from an airline reservation system.
Bio: Donald Kossmann is a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research in Redmond. Before that, he was professor for Computer Science at ETH Zurich (Switzerland) where he is currently on leave. He received his MS from the University of Karlsruhe and completed his PhD at the Technical University of Aachen. He is an ACM fellow. He was member of the board of trustees of the VLDB endowment from 2006-2011 and the chair of the Executive Committee of ACM SIGMOD. He is a co-founder of i-TV-T (1998), XQRL Inc. (acquired by BEA in 2002), 28msec Inc.(2006), and Teralytics (2010). His research interests lie in the area of databases and information systems.