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香港浸会大学Byron Choi教授学术报告

发布时间:2016-10-19 编辑: 来源:

时间20161019 上午10



Recent Progress on Privacy Issues in OutsourcedGraph Databases

Graphs have given rise to many emergingapplications including biological and chemical databases, social networks,co-purchase networks, and information networks.  Due to the cost ofhosting the explosive volume of graph data and performing large-scale computations,the owners of graph databases may not always have the necessary ITinfrastructure and expertise to provide the best usage of their data. A recentattempt has been to outsource costly computation to a query service provider(SP), who is often equipped with powerful clusters, to provide query as aservice (QaaS). However, the SP may be untrusted and/or compromised by attacks.In this talk, we shall introduce the well-received system models of graphdatabase outsourcing, assumptions, and their variations. In this talk, we shallsummarize current techniques for privacies of graph queries. In a nutshell,clients' queries are protected from the SP and/or the data at the SP isprotected from the clients, whereas private queries can still be processed atthe SP side. This talk will use our recent research on private reachabilityquery service on massive networks as an illustrative example. The talk will endwith an overview of our related on-going research projects.

** This is a joint work with Jiaxin Jiang(HKBU), Peipei Yi (HKBU),Dr. Sourav S Bhowmick (Nanyang Tech.), Prof. JianliangXu (HKBU), Zhiwei Zhang (HKBU) and Zhe Fan (Huawei).


Dr. Byron Choi obtained his Ph.D and MSE degreesin Computer and Information Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006and2002, respectively. He received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in ComputerEngineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).Dr. Byron Choi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science,Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU).
Before joining Hong Kong Baptist University, hewas an Assistant Professor with School of Computer Engineering / Nanyang TechnologicalUniversity (NTU) from 2005 to 2008. He was a research associate at the Universityof Edinburgh in 2005 and a summer student intern for the Galax project atAT&T Labs Florham Park. He visited HKUST theoretical computer science groupin 2003. He is a member of ACM and IEEE. His research interests includegraph-structured databases, incremental maintenance algorithms and view updatesand database security.  His publications appear in TKDE, VLDBJ, SIGMOD,VLDB, and ICDE, etc, before. Dr. Choi has recently served as a reviewer ofTKDE, VLDBJ, VLDB, and ICDE, etc. Dr. Choi is the principle investigator of 2 on-goingand 2 completed research projects funded by HKRGC's General Research Grant (GRF).Dr. Choi serves as the director of a Croucher Foundation Advanced StudyInstitute (ASI), titled "Frontiers in Big Data Graph Research" 2015.Dr. Choi receives the HKBU president's award for the outstanding youngresearcher in 2016, and the best teaching award and the best research awardfrom the Department of Computer Science in 2015 and 2014, respectively.


地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






