报告题目:Can Emerging Storage Technologies Help Solving Big Data Problems?
Many challenges exist in current bigdata era. We intend to fully utilize the available data for making criticaldecisions to benefit individuals, business, and society. These include how tostore enormous amount of data for a very long time, how to identify therelevant data from all the available data, and how to process relevant dataefficiently. In this talk, we introduce several emerging storage technologiesincluding new types of disk drives called Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) andHeat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) drives which have bigger storagecapacity, an active storage device call Kinetic drive which can perform searchand other functions by itself without going through servers, and Non-VolatileMemory (NVM) which blurs the boundary of memory and storage. The emerging NVMhas recently generated quite a bit excitements. Due to its non-volatileproperty, it can be used as either main memory or storage. Flash memory-basedsolid state drives (SSD) have already replaced high performance hard diskdrives (HDD). Other types of NVRAM like PCM, MRAM, RRAM and STT-RAM have thepotential to replace DRAM as main memory. We like to ask the following questions. Can these emerging technologieshelp solving big data problems? With the boundary of memory and storagebecoming blurred, what are to be changed in computer architecture, operatingsystems and software/applications? How can we take advantages of these emergingtechnologies to meet some of the challenges from the big data era? We plan alsoto summarize some of research activities carried out in NSF I/UCRC CenterResearch in Intelligent Storage (CRIS; http://cris.cs.umn.edu).
David H.C. Du (杜宏章) – received his B.S. from National Tsing-HuaUniversity in 1974 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from theUniversity of Washington, Seattle, in 1980 and 1981, respectively. He is currentlythe Qwest Chair Professor at the Computer Science and Engineering Department,University of Minnesota, Minneapolis and the Director of NSF I/UCRC CenterResearch in Intelligent Storage. He is an IEEE Fellow and a Fellow of MinnesotaSupercomputing Institute. He has done research in cyber security, sensornetworks, multimedia computing, storage systems, high-speed networking,high-performance computing, and database design and CAD for VLSI circuits. Hiscurrent research focuses on storage technologies/systems and vehicularnetworks. He has authored and co-authored more than 300 technical papers,including 130 referred journal publications. He has also graduated 60 Ph.D. and100+ M.S. students in the past. He has served on a number of journal editorialboards. He has also served as Conference Chair and Program Committee Chair ofseveral major conferences in multimedia, database, security and networkingareas including ACM SIGMOD, International Conference on Parallel Processing(ICPP), IEEE Security and Privacy Symposium, IEEE Conference on ComputerCommunication Security (CNS), ACM International Conference on UnderwaterNetworks and Systems, etc.