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新加坡管理大学Robert Deng教授学术报告

发布时间:2017-05-31 编辑: 来源:

Title: Privacy-Preserving OutsourcedComputations in the Cloud

报告人: RobertDeng教授,新加坡管理大学

时间:  2017531  上午10:00-11:00

地点:  教研楼 2楼会议室

 Abstract: An promising application of cloud computing is IoT(or Cloud of Things) where computationally limited devices, such as bodysensors used to monitor patient’s heart rates, blood pressures and glucoselevels send data to the cloud for processing. There are known security andprivacy concerns relating to the storage and processing of data in the cloud.To address these concerns, in this talk, we present a framework and techniquesfor efficient and privacy-preserving outsourced computations of integers, rationalnumbers and floating point numbers over encrypted data in the cloud. We alsodiscuss some applications of the framework and the techniques. 

Bio: Professor Robert Deng is AXA Chair Professor ofCybersecurity, Director of the Secure Mobile Centre, and Dean of PostgraduateResearch Programmes, Singapore Management University (SMU).

His research interests are in the areas ofdata security and privacy, cloud security and Internet of Thingssecurity.  He received the Outstanding University Researcher Award fromNational University of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship for ResearchExcellence from SMU, and Asia-Pacific Information Security LeadershipAchievements Community Service Star from International Information SystemsSecurity Certification Consortium. He has 26 patents and has published morethan 300 papers on cybersecurity. His professional contributions include anextensive list of positions in several industry and public services advisoryboards, editorial boards and conference committees. These include the editorialboards of IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Dependableand Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security,Journal of Computer Science and Technology, and Steering Committee Chair of theACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. He is an IEEEFellow.


地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






