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发布时间:2019-11-06 编辑:林喜文 来源:

题目: CyberAI: AI for Cybersecurity and Cybersecurity for AI

报告人:Dr. Yanfang (Fanny) Ye (凯斯西储大学 Case Western Reserve University)

Host:Zhaochun Ren


地点:第周苑 C-320(原N3楼 320)

摘要: Nowadays, as computing devices linked to the Internet become increasingly ubiquitous, our society has become more and more connected in the cyberspace. The connected computing devices have transformed people’s daily lives ranging from social networking, online banking towards smart manufacturing. On the other hand, our society’s overwhelming reliance on the complex cyberspace makes its security more important than ever. As cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) techniques keep reshaping our view of the world, the next cyber wars maybe decided by AI. In this talk, I will first introduce the conventional arms race between cyber attacks and defenses; then I will present the techniques we have proposed and developed against the evolving cyber attacks by advancing capabilities of AI. As cybersecurity co-evolves with AI technologies, essentially any AI technology can also raise problems of trustworthiness on a variety of computing systems and platforms. In this talk, I will further discuss the security and safety of AI-enabled systems to facilitate the design and development of next-generation cyber defense systems.

简介: Dr. Yanfang (Fanny) Ye is the Theodore L. and Dana J. Schroeder Associate Professor in the Department of Computer and Data Sciences (CDS) at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). Before joining CWRU, she was an Assistant Professor and then Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (CSEE) at West Virginia University (WVU) from 2014-2019. Previously, she was the Principal Scientist in Comodo Security Solutions, Inc. (2010-2013) and R&D Deputy Director at Kingsoft Internet Security Corporation (2008-2010). Her research areas mainly include data mining, machine learning, cybersecurity, and health intelligence. Dr. Ye has had over 75 publications



地址: 山东省青岛市即墨区滨海公路72号






