朱大铭 教授
Office Phone:86-531-88390006
1.Liu Nan, Jianghai tao, Zhu Daming, Zhu Binhai, an improved approximation algorithm for single sided scaffold filling to maximize the common adjacencies, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, 10(4):905-913,2013.
2.Zhu Daming, Wang Lusheng, An exact algorithm for the zero exemplar breakpoint distance problem, IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics, Oct 18,2013.
3.Peng Zhang, Wenbo Zhao, Daming Zhu: Complexity and Approximation Results for the Min-Sum and Min-Max Disjoint Paths Problems.Computing and Informatics 32(1): 23-45 (2013)
4.Zhendong Liu, Daming Zhu: New Heuristic Algorithm of RNA Structure Prediction Including Pseudoknots. JCP 8(2): 279-283 (2013)
5.Xiao Yin, Daming Zhu: Sorting genomes by generalized translocations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 491: 127-135 (2013)
6.Hong Liu, Daming Zhu: Parameterized complexity of control by voter selection in Maximin, Copeland, Borda, Bucklin, and Approval election systems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 498: 115-123 (2013)
7.Nan Liu, Haitao Jiang, Daming Zhu, Binhai Zhu: An Improved Approximation Algorithm for Scaffold Filling to Maximize the Common Adjacencies. COCOON 2013: 397-408
8.Nan Liu, Daming Zhu: The Algorithm for the Two-Sided Scaffold Filling Problem. TAMC 2013: 236-247
9.Meixia Qu, Ke Chen, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan: Implementing program extraction from CL1-proofs. CoRR abs/1311.6542 (2013)
10.Fei Guo, Shuai Cheng Li, Lusheng Wang, Daming Zhu: Protein-protein binding site identification by enumerating the configurations.BMC Bioinformatics 13: 158 (2012)
11.Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan: An approximation algorithm for the Generalized k-Multicut problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 160(7-8): 1240-1247 (2012)
12.Haitao Jiang, Binhai Zhu, Daming Zhu, Hong Zhu: Minimum common string partition revisited. J. Comb. Optim. 23(4): 519-527 (2012)
13.Xiaowen Lou, Daming Zhu: A new approximation algorithm for cut-and-paste sorting of unsigned circular permutations. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 78(4): 1099-1114 (2012)
14.Haitao Jiang, Daming Zhu, Binhai Zhu: A (1+ε)-approximation algorithm for sorting by short block-moves. Theor. Comput. Sci. 439: 1-8 (2012)
15.Hong Liu, Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu: On Editing Graphs into 2-Club Clusters. FAW-AAIM 2012: 235-246
16.Zhexue Wei, Daming Zhu: De Novo Peptide Sequencing Based on Vertex Contraction Algorithm. CSO 2012: 48-52
17.Meixia Qu, Junfeng Luan, Daming Zhu: On the toggling-branching recurrence of Computability Logic. CoRR abs/1207.1188 (2012)
18.Haitao Jiang, Binhai Zhu, Daming Zhu: Algorithms for sorting unsigned linear genomes by the DCJ operations. Bioinformatics 27(3): 311-316 (2011)
19.Haitao Jiang, Daming Zhu: A 14/11-approximation algorithm for sorting by short block-moves. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences 54(2): 279-292 (2011)
20.Zhendong Liu, Zhijun Zhang, Zaixue Liu, Daming Zhu: New Heuristic Algorithm of RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with Pseudoknots. CIS 2011: 110-114
21.Daming Zhu, Shaohan Ma, Pingping Zhang: Tight Bounds on Local Search to Approximate the Maximum Satisfiability Problems.COCOON 2011: 49-61
22.Ming Li, Ali Miri, Daming Zhu: Analysis of the Hamming Weight of the Extended wmbNAF. IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive 2011: 569 (2011)
23.Hong Liu, Daming Zhu: Parameterized complexity of control problems in Maximin election. Inf. Process. Lett. 110(10): 383-388 (2010)
24.Zhendong Liu, Hengwu Li, Daming Zhu: A predicting algorithm of RNA secondary structure based on stems. Kybernetes 39(6): 1050-1057 (2010)
25.Haitao Jiang, Binhai Zhu, Daming Zhu, Hong Zhu: Minimum Common String Partition Revisited. FAW 2010: 45-52
26.Hong Liu, Haodi Feng, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan: Parameterized computational complexity of control problems in voting systems.Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(27-29): 2746-2753 (2009)
27.Fanchang Hao, Junfeng Luan, Daming Zhu: Translocation-Deletions Distance Formula for Sorting Genomes. CSIE (4) 2009: 820-824
28.Haitao Jiang, Daming Zhu: A (1+e)-Approximation Algorithm for Sorting by Short Block-Moves. CSO (1) 2009: 580-583
29.Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan: A Bicriteria Approximation Algorithm for Generalized k-Multicut in Trees. CSO (2) 2009: 699-702
30.Hong Liu, Haodi Feng, Daming Zhu: Parameterized Complexity of Finding Elementary Modes in Metabolic Networks. IJCBS 2009: 479-482
31.Xiao Yin, Daming Zhu: Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Sorting by Generalized Translocations. TAMC 2009: 440-449
32.Guohui Yao, Daming Zhu, Hengwu Li, Shaohan Ma: A polynomial algorithm to compute the minimum degree spanning trees of directed acyclic graphs with applications to the broadcast problem. Discrete Mathematics 308(17): 3951-3959 (2008)
33.Aili Han, Daming Zhu, Jingchang Pan: DNA solution based on sequence alignment to the Minimum Spanning Tree problem. IJBRA 4(2): 188-200 (2008)
34.Wei-Lin Li, Peng Zhang, Daming Zhu: On Constrained Facility Location Problems. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 23(5): 740-748 (2008)
35.Yun Cui, Lusheng Wang, Daming Zhu, Xiaowen Liu: A (1.5 + epsilon)-Approximation Algorithm for Unsigned Translocation Distance. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 5(1): 56-66 (2008)
36.Xiaowen Lou, Daming Zhu: A 2.25-Approximation Algorithm for Cut-and-Paste Sorting of Unsigned Circular Permutations. COCOON 2008: 331-341
37.Xiaowen Lou, Daming Zhu: Genome Rearrangement Algorithms for Unsigned Permutations with O(logn) Singletons. TAMC 2008: 59-69
38.Aili Han, Daming Zhu: DNA Encoding Methods in the Field of DNA Computing. Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics 2008: 293-322
39.Yun Cui, Lusheng Wang, Daming Zhu: A 1.75-approximation algorithm for unsigned translocation distance. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(7): 1045-1059 (2007)
40.Jianxing Feng, Daming Zhu: Faster algorithms for sorting by transpositions and sorting by block interchanges. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 3(3) (2007)
41.Hong Liu, Haodi Feng, Daming Zhu: Prediction of Protein Subcellular Locations by Combining K-Local Hyperplane Distance Nearest Neighbor. ADMA 2007: 345-351
42.Aili Han, Daming Zhu, Shouqiang Wang, Meixia Qu: Algorithms for the Well-Drilling Layout Problem. ICIC (2) 2007: 263-271
43.Daming Zhu, Lusheng Wang: On the complexity of unsigned translocation distance. Theor. Comput. Sci. 352(1-3): 322-328 (2006)
44.Aili Han, Daming Zhu: A New DNA-Based Approach to Solve the Maximum Weight Clique Problem. ICIC (3) 2006: 320-327
45.Aili Han, Daming Zhu: A New DNA Encoding Method for Traveling Salesman Problem. ICIC (3) 2006: 328-335
46.Aili Han, Daming Zhu: Complexity Analysis for the HEWN Algorithm. ISDA (1) 2006: 1015-1019
47.Aili Han, Daming Zhu: DNA Computing Model for the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem. SYNASC 2006: 372-377
48.Jianxing Feng, Daming Zhu: Faster Algorithms for Sorting by Transpositions and Sorting by Block-Interchanges. TAMC 2006: 128-137
49.Lusheng Wang, Daming Zhu, Xiaowen Liu, Shaohan Ma: An O(n2) algorithm for signed translocation. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 70(3): 284-299 (2005)
50.Hengwu Li, Daming Zhu: A New Pseudoknots Folding Algorithm for RNA Structure Prediction. COCOON 2005: 94-103
51.Yun Cui, Lusheng Wang, Daming Zhu: A 1.75-Approximation Algorithm for Unsigned Translocation Distance. ISAAC 2005: 392-401
52.Wangsen Feng, Lusheng Wang, Daming Zhu: CTRD: a fast applet for computing signed translocation distance between genomes.Bioinformatics 20(17): 3256-3257 (2004)
53.Daming Zhu, Junfeng Luan, Shaohan Ma: Hardness and Methods to Solve CLIQUE. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 16(4): 388-391 (2001)
54.Daming Zhu, Shaohan Ma, Hongze Qiu: Analysis of the Convergency of Topology Preserving Neural Networks on Learning. ISAAC 1994: 128-136
55.姜海涛, 朱大铭, 短块移动排序的14/11近似算法. 中国科学E辑, 2011, (01): 33-48
56.尹晓, 朱大铭, 基因组一般移位排序问题的多项式时间算法. 计算机学报, 2010, (05): 785-797
57.郝凡昌, 栾峻峰, 朱大铭, 张鹏, 李明, 通过交互式移位-插入-删除进行基因组排序的较快算法. 计算机研究与发展, 2010, 47(11).
58.朱大铭, 马绍汉, 张平平, 合取范式3可满足问题的局部搜索近似算法. 计算机学报, 2010, 33 (07): 1127-1140
59.刘光聪, 朱大铭, 姜海涛, 有向基因组反转和转位排序最小权重问题的1.5k近似算法. 小型微型计算机系统, 2010, (07): 1452-1457
60.姚国辉, 朱大铭, 马绍汉, 有向无环图最小度生成树问题的一种近似算法. 计算机研究与发展, 2009, (06): 1052-1058
61.王守强, 朱大铭, 史士英 . 基于最小聚类划分的K-means聚类(1+ε)近似算法. 计算机研究与发展, 2008, (01).
62.李委霖, 张鹏, 朱大铭 . 一类约束Facility Location问题的计算复杂性和近似算法. , 2008, 23 (05)
63.刘培强, 朱大铭, 谢青松, 范辉, 马绍汉 . 两元指纹向量聚类问题的复杂性与改进启发式算法. 软件学报, 2008, 19 (03): 500-510
64.韩爱丽, 朱大铭 . 基于一种新的边权编码方案的中国邮递员问题的DNA计算模型. 计算机研究与发展, 2007, 44 (06): 1053-1062
65.赵卫中, 冯好娣, 朱大铭 . 欧氏空间货郎担问题的一个多项式时间近似方案的改进与实现. 计算机研究与发展, 2007, 44 (10): 1790-1795
66.潘锐, 朱大铭, 马绍汉 . 一般设施定位问题计算复杂度和近似算法研究. 计算机研究与发展, 2007, 44 (05): 790-797
67.崔筠, 朱大铭, 马绍汉 . 基因组重组排序算法综述. 计算机科学, 2006, 33 (12): 131-134
68.李恒武, 朱大铭, 纪秀花 . RNA二级结构预测算法的设计与实现. 计算机工程与科学, 2006, (07): 82-85
69.肖进杰, 朱大铭, 马绍汉, 潘锐 . 多服务中心设置问题局部搜索算法的分析与实验. 计算机工程, 2005, 31 (12): 87-89
70.潘锐, 朱大铭, 马绍汉, 肖进杰 . k-Median近似计算复杂度与局部搜索近似算法分析. 软件学报, 2005, (03)
71.刘晓文,朱大铭, 马绍汉, 李子茂, 王鲁生 . 有向基因组移位排序问题的O(n2)快速算法. 计算机学报, 2004, 27 (10): 1354-1360
72.栾峻峰 朱大铭 马绍汉 . 目标序列部分确定的翻转距离星树问题. 软件学报, 2003, 14 (02): 183-189
73.栾峻峰 朱大铭 马绍汉 . 实例序列条数为常数9的翻转距离星树问题. 计算机研究与发展, 2003, 40 (08): 1277-1278
74.朱大铭 马绍汉 . 基因组Translocation排序问题的改进多项式算法. 计算机学报, 2002, 25 (02): 189-196
75.栾峻峰 朱大铭 马绍汉 . 计算生物学中有关基因组翻转距离的NPC问题. 计算机科学, 2002, 29 (11): 59-65
76.朱大铭 马绍汉 雷鹏 . 翻转距离星树问题的计算复杂度和近似算法. 软件学报, 2002, (06).
77.朱大铭, 马绍汉, 二进制神经网络分类问题的几何学习算法. 软件学报, 1997, 8 (08): 622-629
78.朱大铭, 马绍汉, 邱洪泽, 拓扑特征映射神经网络的学习收敛性分析. 计算机研究与发展, 1997, 34 (02): 99-106
79.朱大铭, 邱洪泽, 曲兆瑞, SUN工作站电网调度系统中数据库管理系统的设计与实现. 小型微型计算机系统, 1995, 16 (07): 36-42
80.朱大铭, 邱洪泽, 龚斌, 实时处理中的快速数据库存取. 小型微型计算机系统, 1994, 15 (04): 24-30
81.朱大铭, 马绍汉, 一类排污问题在树图上的线性算法. 软件学报, 1994, 5 (04): 60-64
82.朱大铭, 马绍汉, 马军, 一种并行计算K阶线性递归N方程组的新方法. 计算机学报, 1994, 17 (03): 236-241
83.邱洪泽, 朱大铭, 马绍汉, VAX机分布式电网调度自动化系统的实现. 小型微型计算机系统, 1994, 15 (07): 47-53
84.邱洪泽, 龚斌, 朱大铭, DECNET网络通讯系统的开发. 小型微型计算机系统, 1993, 14 (10): 40-44